Written By: Hania Binte Noman
Class: VIII – Maryam
House: Iqbal
Women’s rights have been a long standing issue in societies around the world. Historically, women have faced various form of discrimination, inequality and oppression. However, over the years significant progress has been made in the fight for women’s rights, leading to a more equitable society. His essay will delve into the importance of women’s right, the challenges faced by women and the advancement made towards achieving gender equality.
In Pakistan there is no women’s right or safety. If a women speaks for rights, the Pakistan’s society call’s her characterless. I know there are things that only men can do but there are also thing out there that, only women can do. People call women weak but we the women’s are weak in strength but mentality wise, way stronger than men. Boys can not do what us girls can do society degrade girls but our religion is not like this.
Historical Challenges Faced By Women:
Women constitute approximately half of the world’s population; hence, their empowerment is essential for achieving sustainable development and breaking the cycle of poverty. Furthermore, women’s rights are crucial for promoting democracy, reducing violence and fostering social cohesion.
Throughout history, women have encountered numerous, challenges in their fight for equal rights. Traditional gender roles have confined women to domestic duties and deprived them of educational opportunities and career prospects. More over, women have been subjected to gender based violence, lack of reproductive rights, and discrimination in all aspects of life, including marriage, divorce and inheritance.
In recent decades, significant strides have been made towards promoting & protecting women’s rights. One of the most remarkable achievements has been the adoption of international instruments such as the Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women (CEDAW) by the United Nations CEDAW serves as crucial tool for government to formulate policies and take actions in support of women’s rights.
In the end I just wanna say; The fight for women’s rights is not only a matter of justice but also an essential step towards building a fairer and more equal world. Women’s right are human rights & it is imperative that societies recognize and uphold them. By advancing women’s right we can create a more inclusive and prosperous future for all. I firmly believe in the saying of Islam that “Men are tougher than Women and Men’s have more rights than us” but the people who cut our wings, and make restriction, and takes a our rights are uneducated, no matter what degree they have; if they don’t understand and respect women’s rights they are uneducated and useless.