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Written By: Muhammad Ahmed
Class: VII – A.Q.Khan
House: Iqbal

Once upon a time, there was a boy named David Balfour. He was very smart and intelligent, He always used to get position in class. One day he was sitting near a river, then he suddenly saw a box floating in the middle of the river. He looked around and went to get the box. He brought that box to his home and opened it.

Suddenly the box started speaking, the box said: “Who woke me up?”. The boy got frightened and threw the box away and asked “Who are you?.... Hw a box can speak?” the box replied “I am a magical box I can fulfill your 3wishes”. The boy replied “What really?” “Why would I trust you… maybe you are a monster and are luring me towards you and maybe then you would kill me?” “I would trust you in one condition if you fulfill my 1st wish which is that I get a new bicycle”.
The box said ok! Abraca…dabra!(2x)”. Suddenly a smoke come into the room and there was a bicycle standing there. The boy become very excited and said: My 2nd wish is that give me enough money to become a Trillioner!” the box said “OK! But after that you will have only 1 wish left!” Abraca…dabra!(2x)” suddenly the smoke come again and his room was full of money! The boy become very happy and said My last wish is that every poor and homeless people get money and they have their own house and job so they can live happily with their families. The box said: Abraca…dabra(1x) suddenly the smoke come and every poor person got money and the magical box got disappeared from David’s room, and they live happily after along.
